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HR Definitions

35 hour: This is a fixed workweek, non-exempt position that is eligible to receive overtime compensation for hours worked beyond 35 hours in the workweek.

40 hour: This is a fixed workweek, non-exempt position that is eligible to receive overtime compensation for hours worked beyond 40 in the workweek.

AAU: Association of American Universities. A prestigious body of 62 public and private research institutions, in which Rutgers is a member.

AAUP: American Association of University Professors. A labor union representing faculty, part-time lecturers, and teaching/graduate assistants.

ABP: The Alternate Benefit Program (ABP) is a mandatory, state-administered, defined contribution retirement program for regularly appointed faculty, visiting professors, and certain administrative staff. It provides pension benefits, life insurance, and long-term disability insurance for qualifying enrolled members.

Address Directory Record (ADR): A record of the employee’s campus and personal contact information.The information contained on the ADR is used to direct mail, provide the employee’s emergency contact information to authorized administrators, and display in the university directory.

AFSCME: American Federation of State, County, and Municipal Employees. A labor union representing service, trades, and technical employees.

Aligned Employees: Employees whose positions are covered by a collective negotiations agreement. Employment terms for aligned employees are governed by the appropriate collective negotiation agreement.

Applicant Tracking System (ATS): Online system used by Hiring Managers to manage the recruitment, selection, and hiring of new staff employees. Used by applicants to apply for vacant MPSC and COLT positions.

AY: Academic Year, which is define as the period between September 1 and May 30.

Bidder: The term bidder refers to an AFSCME Local 1761 or AFSCME Local 888 union-eligible employee who has been in his/her current position for at least six months, works a 20 hour work week minimum, and who applies for a posted position within the allotted time.

Break Year: A break year is a year in which an employment anniversary occurs that raises an employee to the next accrual rate for the remainder of the fiscal year.

Class 1 Employee: Regular salaried faculty and staff.

Class 3 Employee: Short-term temporary employees.

Class 4 Employee: Casual hourly employees.

Class 5 Employee: Hourly employees who are university students.

Class 6 Employee: Salaried student employees, primarily teaching and graduate assistants.

Class 7 Employee: Part-time lecturers.

Class 8 Employee: Co-adjutant casual employees.

Class 9 Employee: No employer/employee relationship and typically includes graduate and post-doctoral fellows.

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Classification and Recruitment Form (CARF): A form used by managers to request the classification and/or recruitment of all new, vacant, and encumbered staff positions. It captures the key responsibilities related to the position under review.

COBRA (Consolidated Omnibus Budget Reconciliation Act): The Act gives workers and their families who lose their health benefits the right to choose to continue group health benefits for limited periods of time under certain. Qualified individuals may be required to pay the entire premium for coverage up to 102 percent of the cost to the plan.

COLT: Local 1761 of the American Federation of State, County, and Municipal Employees. A labor union representing clerical, secretarial, office, laboratory, and technical staff.

Compressed Work Week: A regularly repeating weekly or bi-weekly work schedule that allows an employee to work a full number of hours but in fewer days.

CY: Calendar Year is defined as the period from January 1 through December 31.

DCRP: Defined Contribution Retirement Program (DCRP) is a mandatory, state-administered, defined contribution retirement program for eligible employees. It provides eligible members with a tax-sheltered, defined contribution retirement benefit, along with life insurance and disability coverage.

Discoverer: University reporting tool for financial and personnel salary information.

Exempt: Applies to positions that are not eligible to receive overtime compensation according to the rules and regulations of the Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA). The workweek for exempt positions is not fixed.

External Hires: Successful candidates hired into a vacant position whose immediate prior permanent employment was not at Rutgers.

F&A Costs: Facilities and Administrative Costs. Expenditures incurred by the university to support research programs which are difficult to itemize and charge directly to a specific grant.

Family & Medical Leave Act (FMLA) : Federal statute, which entitles eligible employees to take leave from work in order to attend to certain personal and/or medical needs of themselves or their families.

Family Leave Insurance: New Jersey Family Leave Insurance (FLI) is a wage-replacement program similar to the state’s Temporary Disability Insurance program and replaces lost income when an employee is on an unpaid leave of absence for the care of others under certain circumstances.

FCP: Faculty Compensation Program.

FOP-P: Fraternal Order of Police-Primary Unit Lodge 62. A labor union for police officers.

FOP-S: Fraternal Order of Police-Supervisory Unit Lodge 164. A labor union for police officers in supervisory positions.

FTE (Full Time Equivalent): A measurement equal to one staff person working a full-time work schedule. FTE is a ratio that represents the number of hours that an employee works to full-time hours. An FTE is any combination of workers that combines to full-time hours and does not necessarily equate to headcount.

F Visa: The Immigration and Nationality Act provides the “F” visa for persons wishing to study in the United States. The "F" visa is reserved for non immigrant's wishing to pursue academic studies and/or language training programs.

Fringe Benefits: Composite rate charged to non-state accounts to allow the University to recoup expenditures for benefits given to employees, i.e.: medical benefits, FICA and Medicare.

GA: Graduate Assistant.

Grade: See Salary Grade.

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Grade Minimum/Maximum: The grade/range maximum represents the top of the grade or the most that can be paid to an employee in a position.

HERC: The Higher Education Recruitment Consortium, which has state organized recruitment and job posting consortiums. New Jersey participates in the NJ-HERC program.

HMO: A Health Maintenance Organization is a prepaid, comprehensive medical plan providing hospital and physician services with an emphasis on preventive care. Members are required to use participating providers and pay a nominal co-payment for office visits.

HPAE: Healthcare Professionals and Allied Employees. A staff union representing Advanced Practical Nurses (APN), Nurse Clinicians, Staff Nurses, and other administrative and professional employees in legacy UMDNJ positions at the university.

HR Liaisons: Employees who serve in a personnel support function in departments and units.

IUOE: Local 68-68A of the International Union of Operating Engineers. A labor union for staff in engineering positions.

Internal Hires: Successful candidate hired into a vacant position who is a current permanent Rutgers employee.

J Visa:The Immigration and Nationality Act provides the “J” visa for persons who wish to participate in exchange visitor programs in the United States. The "J" exchange visitor program is designed to promote the interchange of persons, knowledge, and skills in the fields of education, arts, and sciences. Participants may include students at all academic levels and professors coming to teach or do research at institutions of higher learning.

Legacy Rutgers:See Rutgers Position.

Legacy UMDNJ: See RBHS

Local 888: Local 888 of the American Federation of State, County, and Municipal Employees.A labor union representing service, maintenance, trades, and food service employees.

MPSC: Managerial, professional, supervisory, and confidential staff positions. When these positions become vacant, they are available to Rutgers employees and the public simultaneously.

NetID (Network Identification): A unique username/password that permits access to central computing services and departmental services that support it. All members of the university community are required to have a NetID.

NE: This is a fixed workweek, non-exempt position that is eligible to receive overtime compensation for hours worked beyond 37 ½ hours in the workweek.

N4: This workweek is not fixed and applies to exempt positions required to work a minimum of 40 hours per week because their primary function is to supervise non-exempt, 40 hour, fixed workweek employees.Positions in this workweek are not eligible to receive overtime compensation.

NL: This workweek is not fixed.The designation applies to exempt positions that are not eligible for overtime compensation.

New Jersey Family Leave Act (NJFLA): New Jersey statute which entitles eligible employees to take leave from work in order to attend to certain medical needs of their families.

Non-Aligned Employees: Faculty and staff whose positions are not represented by a labor union and whose terms of employment are not governed by a collective negotiation agreement. This includes all MPSC employees.

Non Exempt Positions: Applies to positions that are eligible to receive overtime compensation according to the rules and regulation of the Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA). Non exempt positions have a fixed workweek (NE-35, 371/2, 40) and are eligible to receive compensation for hours worked beyond the maximum hours in the workweek. Consult university policy 60.3.14 and/or the Staff Labor Agreements for additional information.

Non-Union: Non-union employees are those faculty and staff whose position are not represented by a labor union and whose terms of employment are not governed by a collective negotiation agreement.This would include all MPSC and Confidential employees.

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NTT: Non-Tenure Track faculty.

O&M: Operations and Maintenance Costs.

Org ID: A unique five-digit code assigned to a unit by the university.

PAF (Payroll Authorization Form): The old method of placing new employees onto the payroll system which is completed by departments. A PAF was required for all new appointments, all changes in employee types, dual or additional appointments, late reappointments for pay-code "T" employees, and "reappointments" for 10-month employees. For initial appointments, supplemental documentation is required. The new and current method is to submit a request in Manager Self Service in the Human Capital Management (HCM) system.

Pay-for-Performance (P4P): Performance-based compensation system for Professional or Supervisory staff.

PDR (Personnel Data Record): The old paper based record of current information related to an individual’s employment. The information contained on the PDR includes appointment and title, pay and benefits, employment status, reporting relationship, and departmental accounting details. This document has been replaced by a new online process utilizing new Human Capital Management (HCM) system.

PERS: Public Employee's Retirement System is a defined benefit retirement plan for permanent employees.

PFRS: Police and Firemen’s Retirement System is a defined benefit retirement plan for permanent, full-time law enforcement officers.

Position Classification: Evaluation of the duties and responsibilities associated with a job to determine the appropriate grade or range.

PPO: Preferred Provider Organizations for health plans.

Probationary Period: The period of time after initial hiring during which an employee’s work performance is evaluated to determine the appropriateness of selection.

PTL: Part-Time Lecturer.

RAMS (Rutgers Automated Mailing Lists): A mailing list system used for official administrative and academic communications.

Range: Represents the minimum through the maximum salary that may be paid to an employee working in a classified position.

Range Step: Steps represent the rate of pay established at intervals between the minimum and maximum of a range.

RBHS Position: A position which, historically, was associated with the former University of Medicine and Dentistry of New Jersey (UMDNJ). Many of these positions exist at Rutgers Biomedical and Health Sciences (RBHS), though some may exist in Central Administration. These positions are governed by different negotiated agreements and/or policies, and as such, individuals employed in RBHS (formerly referred to as legacy UMDNJ) positions may be eligible for different non-State benefits than those employed in Rutgers Non-RBHS positions.

REACT: Rutgers Camden's mass mailing system.

RIAS (Rutgers Integrated Administrative System): A multi-year, multi-phase initiative to improve Rutgers efficiency and effectiveness by replacing outdated administrative systems and related processes.

Rutgers (Non-RBHS) Position: For the purposes of identifying positions within payroll and benefits administration, Rutgers uses the term Rutgers position to denote a position which, historically, was associated with Rutgers University prior to July 1, 2013. These positions are governed by different negotiated agreements and/or policies, and as such, individuals employed in Rutgers positions may be eligible for different non-State benefits than those employed in RBHS (formerly UMDNJ) positions.

Salary Grade: Represents the minimum through the maximum salary that may be paid to an employee working in a classified administrative, professional, and supervisory position.

SAKAI: A collaborative online course and project management system managed by OIT.

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SCP: Staff Compensation Program. Performance appraisal program for staff employees represented under the URA-AFT Agreement.

SEIU: Local 10MD, Doctor’s Council of the Service Employees International Union.A labor union representing medical professionals.

TA: Teaching Assistant.

TABERS: Travel and Business Expense Reports submitted by employees for reimbursement of appropriate business and travel related expenses.

TRF (Time Report Form): Paper-based method of tracking, approving, and submitting departmental time sheets for hourly and salaried employees.Many departments are now using the Time Reporting System (TRS) in its place.

Time Report System (TRS): Provides administrators the ability to enter and approve departmental time sheets on-line for hourly and salaried employees.Approved TRS entries are directly submitted to the weekly Payroll cycle.

Union: Employees whose positions are covered by a collective negotiations agreement.Employment terms for unionized employees are governed by the appropriate collective negotiation agreement.

URA-AFT: A collective bargaining unit of the AAUP that represents some staff employees.

Work Week: The standard number of hours that an employee is expected to work in one week.

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