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HR Liaisons

HR Liaisons are departmental employees acting as intermediaries between your team and University Human Resources, providing personnel support within your unit.

Acting Appointments (for Temporary Assignments or Position Agreement)

An acting appointment may be requested for the following reasons:

  • Temporary Assignment: The action of adding job duties to an employee's existing position on a temporary basis where there is no vacancy, or they are assuming less than the full scope of job responsibilities for a vacant position. The individual is temporarily assigned to assume higher level job functions than his or her regular position. Salary adjustment cannot exceed 10% without a policy exception requiring the Senior Vice President for Human Resources approval.
  • Position Appointment: The action of appointing an employee to a different higher level vacant position, where there is an operational need to assign the full scope of job responsibilities to one individual on an interim basis that is anticipated to exceed 30 consecutive calendar days (10 consecutive calendar days for COLT employees). Salary adjustment cannot exceed 15% without a policy exception requiring the Senior Vice President for Human Resources approval except in instances where you are raising the individual’s salary to the minimum of the new pay grade.

To submit a request, complete an Acting Appointment Form in DocuSign and attach it to your service request in our OneSource Self Service Portal.

Aligned Performance Management Tools

The Aligned Staff Performance Review Tableprovides an overview of the varying evaluation due dates and the appropriate appraisal form to use for aligned staff, especially for departments who may have staff who belong to varying unions. Completed performance evaluations must be provided to the appraised employee by the applicable due date and must be signed by the appraised employee and multiple levels of supervisors as required. Please retain copies of the performance appraisal for your records.

Classifications and Reclassifications

When a new position is approved and authorized by the department head and finance, follow these steps to expedite processing times:

  1. Complete a Classification and Recruitment Form (CARF) including the major duties and responsibilities and the reporting relationships for the new position.
  2. Have the CARF approved by the supervisor and your department leadership.
  3. Complete a Fill a Vacancy request through ROCs and include the following documentation:
    • Position description/CARF
    • Updated organizational chart
    • Justification letter (if applicable)
    • Department required forms (if applicable)

If a position has undergone change because the supervisor has added, deleted, or changed the duties and responsibilities resulting in significant change in terms of scope, level of responsibility, accountability, and/or impact, the position may be reviewed to ensure appropriate classification.

  1. The supervisor should first update the CARF and create an addendum to highlight the changes made and provide justification.
  2. The updated CARF will need department leadership approval.
  3. Upon approval, submit a Reclassification Request in ROCs including:
    • Current and previous CARF
    • Updated CARF
    • Updated CARF Addendum
    • Updated organizational chart
    • Justification letter (if applicable)
    • Department required forms (if applicable)
    • For RBHS positions, a resume for the current incumbent(s) is required.
Self Initiated Reclassification

Employees may submit a self-initiated reclassification request with required documentation to University Human Resources.

Prior to an employee submitting a self-initiated reclassification request to UHR, the employe must complete a CARF/Job Description detailing their current responsibilities and submit the completed CARF/Job Description to their supervisor. The supervisor will provide a signature acknowledgment, electronic or otherwise, and whether or not the duties, responsibilities and requirements are accurately stated.

For employees represented by URA-AFT, Employees in positions represented by the URA-AFT, the review of the submitted CARF/Job Description must be completed no later than thirty (30) days from when the employee presents the supervisor with the forms for review.

An employee may ask their department ROCS initiator to enter the information into ROCS, or the employee can submit the supervisor signed CARF by email to or via ServiceNow.

Once the self-initiated reclassification request is received by University Human Resources, the following would occur:

  1. The HR Consulting team will forward the request and documentation to the Department’s HR Liaison for review.
  2. The HR Liaison must work with the employee’s supervisor to review the submitted request and documentation.
  3. The supervisor must provide additional information, if needed.
  4. The HR Liaison will work with HR Consulting to submit a detailed Self-Initiated Reclassification request containing all necessary information for evaluation and processing, which may include the following:
    • Current and previous CARF
    • Updated CARF
    • Updated organizational chart
    • Justification letter (if applicable)
    • Department required forms (if applicable)
Collective Negotiations Agreements

Labor agreements for Rutgers faculty and staff can be accessed through the Office of University Labor Relations.

  • Faculty Contracts
    The Office of University Labor Relations administers the collective agreements between the university and the unions representing Rutgers faculty members, teaching and graduate assistants, post doctoral associates and fellows, housestaff , part time lecturers, and Winter/Summer Instructors. These agreements can be viewed and/or downloaded for your use.
  • Staff Contracts
    The Office of Labor Relations negotiates and administers collective negotiations agreements between Rutgers University and the unions that represent Rutgers staff employees. These agreements can be viewed and/or downloaded for your use.
Generic CARFs and Job Descriptions

This HR Liaisons Library features generic Classification and Recruitment Forms (CARFs) and Job Descriptions outlining the basic functions and requirements of positions in the several job families, describing general job duties and outcomes, and providing education and experience requirements at each grade. Certain positions, however, may require additional specific education, certification or licensure, knowledge, ability or expertise in a specialty area. These can serve as a framework for developing job descriptions.

The Classification and Recruitment Form is a working document that can be used to capture information to be submitted in ROCS related to new, vacant, and encumbered staff positions. It captures the key responsibilities and other relevant information. The CARF is not required but can be used as a draft. For self-initiated classification reviews, the CARF can be submitted to UHR directly. The Business/Accounting Addendum or Information Technology Addendum is required to accompany any position in these functional areas.

If you would like a CARF or job description to be reviewed by a member of the UHR team, please login to the HR Portal, click on Request Service, select Talent Management & HR Consulting, and submit your request utilizing the Job Description/CARF Assistance service.

Guardian I-9 Access and Training Materials
Completing the I-9 Form During Onboarding

Newly hired employees and rehired employees (any prior employee who had a one day or longer break in service) must complete a new I-9 Form. All remote and in person I-9 Forms are completed electronically via the Guardian system. Section I of the I-9 Form must be completed no later than the end of the employee’s first day of employment. Additionally, Section II of the I-9 Form must be completed within three business days of the first day of employment (if the employee starts on Monday, the I-9 Form must be completed no later than Thursday). If the position is for less than three days, Section II must be completed no later than the first day of work for pay.

  • Section I of the I-9: In order to complete the Section I of the I-9 employment verification process, employees will be required to provide certain biographical information to their hiring department or human resources representative.
  • Section II of the I-9: Employees will have to show valid government issued documentation establishing their identity and eligibility to work in the United States in order to complete Section II of the I-9 Process. A List of Acceptable Documents for the I-9 Process can be found here. Employers must complete and sign Section 2 of the I-9 within three business days of their date of hire. Prospective employees who have completed all contingencies for employment may meet with the department I-9 preparer prior to their first day of employment in order for the department I-9 preparer to review their identifying documents.
Guardian I-9 System

Rutgers requires all I-9 forms to be completed using the Guardian I-9 System available through the MyRutgers portal. Guardian is fully integrated with E-Verify in order to create a relatively simple and seamless verification process for employees. Please use the following links to request system access and review our training materials:

What is the I-9 Form?

The Employee Eligibility Verification I-9 process is documentation required by the U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services which establishes an employee's identity and eligibility to work in the United States. Pursuant to the 1986 Immigration Reform and Control Act, all U.S. employers are required to verify the identity and work eligibility of all employees hired after November 6, 1986, whether those employees are U.S. citizens or not.

What is E-Verify?

E-Verify is an online, free service administered by the U.S. government that compares information provided by an employee through the I-9 process with government records to verify an individual's identity. If the information matches, the employer receives verification that the employee is eligible to work in the United States. As a federal contractor, Rutgers participates in the E Verify program. The University's E Verify Company Identification Number/Client Company Identification Number is 319888.

Penalties for Non Compliance

Employers have certain responsibilities under immigration law during the hiring process. Employers who violate the law may be subject to penalties as explained on the U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS)website. As an employee, you have a responsibility to assist the University in complying with our obligations under federal immigration and employment law. Any employee who fails to complete the I-9 verification process within the prescribed time limits must be terminated according to federal law.

Additional Resources
HCM Access and Training Materials (for Preparers and Approvers)

Adding, changing, or removing HCM User access is completed using a RIAS HCM Access Request Form. RIAS Access Request Forms can be downloaded from the RIAS Access Request Forms. Please note, this URL requires on site or VPN Network Access.

HR Definitions
HR Liaison Meeting Presentations

HR Liaisons meet bimonthly with UHR senior leaders to discuss new initiatives, changes to UHR processes and procedures, and answer questions. Access previous presentation materials in the HR Portal.

To be added or removed to the meeting cadence, please contact

Layoffs and Terminations

Class 3 and Class 4 temporary employees are an important component of the university’s workforce. In order to support departments, the following guidelines and tools have been created to help provide for an optimal and equitable administration of our temporary workforce.

Class 3 and Class 4 Policy

Class 3 and Class 4 Employment Policy, 60.3.21

Policy Highlights
Class 3 and Class 4 Employment Guidelines

The Class 3 and Class 4 Employment Guidelines explain the terms applicable to Class 3 and Class 4 employee categories; centralized monitoring and approval; classification and hiring requirements; and benefits and time off eligibility.

Hiring New Class 3 or Class 4 Employees
Appointment Letter Templates
Non-Aligned Performance Management Tools

University Human Resources partnered with leaders throughout the university to create a performance management process for Non Aligned employees that focuses on the purposeful professional development and growth of our employees. This process encourages frequent conversations around employee potential, career aspirations and performance. The process was also designed to support managers through the full performance management life cycle of goal setting, mid year and end of year conversations.

To learn more about the Rutgers Competencies, goal setting, and the performance management process for non aligned employees, visit our Performance Management page.

Offer Letter Templates

After conducting reference checks, verbally extend an offer to the selected candidate and prepare a contingent offer letter, subject to the employee’s successful completion of a background check or other applicable pre-employment screening. An offer letter should be completed for all new hires, regardless of whether the position is an RBHS or non RBHS line.

For additional information visit the Recruitment, Hiring and Onboarding Roadmap for Managers.

ROCS Access and Training Materials

The Recruitment, Onboarding and Classification System (ROCS)is a recruitment, hiring and onboarding tool, used university wide at Rutgers, The State University of New Jersey. ROCS serves as an integrated job posting and application system, serving as a one stop for individuals interested in any facet of employment at the university.

Salary In-Range or Grade Requests (for Additional Duties, Lateral Transfers, Counteroffer, or Equity)

A salary in range or grade may be requested for the following reasons:

  • Additional Duties: When job duties significantly change, and the employee’s scope, depth and complexity of work includes permanent additional responsibilities that become a regular part of the job which do not warrant an upward reclassification of the employee’s grade. Salary adjustment cannot exceed 10% without a policy exception requiring the Senior Vice President for Human Resources approval. Please note: an increase in the volume of activity or transactions without additional duties does not justify additional pay or increase in pay.
  • Lateral transfer to new position: When an employee transfers to a different position within the same salary grade and assumes a demonstrable increase in the scope, depth and complexity of job functions and their outcomes as a result of the new position. Salary adjustment cannot exceed 10% without a policy exception requiring the Senior Vice President for Human Resources approval.
  • Counteroffer: When an employee received a written external employment offer where the external position is at a comparable level to the employee’s current position at Rutgers and within a comparable job market, and a counteroffer would not result in internal equity issues within the requesting department.
  • Equity: Used to address salary inequities among individuals who are in positions that require similar skills, responsibilities and experience. Equity reviews may also be requested to address pay compression, pay inequity, or to ensure that an employee’s salary appropriately reflects his/her skills, knowledge, experience, and performance. In order to provide for an equity adjustment as a result of substantiated internal and/or external market conditions.

To submit a request, complete a Salary In Range or Grade Request Form in DocuSign and attach it to your service request in our OneSource Self Service Portal.

Staff Salary Schedules

The staff salary schedules page contains links to the current staff salary schedules. If you require any assistance with the schedules, please contact the UHR Compensation Services Office at (848) 932 3020.

Temporary Staffing Resources

Rutgers has contracted several temporary staffing agencies to assist departments with procuring contingent workers for their temporary staffing needs. The permissible reasons to obtain contingent workers are to maintain coverage during a temporary leave of absence or vacation, to address needs created by a vacant regularly appointed position during active recruitment efforts, and to assist with a temporary increase in workload. These temporary circumstances must not delay or in any way hinder filling vacant regularly appointed positions and contingent worker assignments may not exceed one year.

The newest and expanded list of contracted suppliers and the associated new policy and process broadens the pool of immediately available candidates for temporary assignments, standardizes practices at the university, leverages systemwide cost savings, and provides more options and flexibility to hiring units. The list is available on the University Procurement Services dedicated page for Temporary Staffing. General guidelines for the use of temporary staffing services include the following:

  • Departments with temporary staffing needs must use one of the preferred contracted suppliers.
  • Departments may request temporary staffing by requesting candidates from all agencies simultaneously or selecting a specific agency or agencies with which they would like to engage for a candidate search. Once you have finalized your search, you will be required to process a requisition to obtain a purchase order for the contracted supplier.
  • Any agency fees associated with converting a contingent worker to a Rutgers employee will be charged to the hiring department.

Details regarding the new policy, process, and guidelines will be available by July 1 2023. For more information, please view our FAQs page.

Your UHR Support Team

We encourage you to reach out to us via the HR Self service portal for all of your HR related needs. There you may find a robust list of knowledge articles, FAQs, and our general inquiries online submission forms.

You may also visit our Contact Us page for a list of UHR Units and Offices and representatives on each team.