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Planning for the Future - Upcoming Financial Webinars

Dear Rutgers Colleagues:

As part of our ongoing Planning for the Future education programming, we are pleased to announce the next series of webinars focused on Social Security and financial wellness. These webinars are intended to provide employees with the tools and education necessary tomanage finances and help make the best financial decisions for themselves, their families, and their futures. Webinars are available to all Rutgers employees and are free of charge. Below is a list of the Planning for the Future webinars and links to register.

Webinar Topics and Registration Links Short Description
Deferred Compensation
Presented by Empower (formerly Prudential)
September 20th, 2 p.m.
This session will discuss deferred compensation and provide information regarding the opportunity to voluntarily shelter a portion of your wages from federal income taxes while saving for retirement.
Investing 101
Presented by Voya
September 26th, 10 a.m.
Learn the basic principles of investing.
Retirement Risks
Presented by MetLife
September 28th, 12 p.m.
Provides an overview of five retirement risks that many retirees may face: 1) longevity, 2) inflation, 3) rate of withdrawal, 4) asset allocation, and 5) health care. Explains each risk and offers ideas to help overcome them.
Social Security and Your Retirement
Presented by Corebridge
October 3rd, 12 p.m.
Provides an overview of five retirement risks that many retirees may face: 1) longevity, 2) inflation, 3) rate of withdrawal, 4) asset allocation, and 5) health care. Explains each risk and offers ideas to help overcome them.
Fine-Tune Your Retirement Strategy: Investing Toward a Secure Future
Presented by TIAA
October 25th, 10 a.m.
Moving beyond investing basics to help fine-tune saving and investing strategies for retirement and build a more secure future.
Social Security Basics
Presented by Voya
November 8th at 2 p.m.
Learn about when and how to claim Social Security.
Life with Confidence in Retirement:
5 Steps to Creating Your Retirement Income Plan
Presented by TIAA
November 9th at 12 p.m.
Understanding how to create an income plan that helps maximize savings throughout retirement, including how different sources of income work, how to build your strategy for lifetime income and what to consider when planning withdrawals from retirement assets.
Protecting Your Income
Presented by MetLife
November 15th at 10 a.m.
Disabled? Me? Never! The ability to earn an income is often a person’s most valuable asset. This presentation provides details concerning the risks a person faces, with an emphasis on disability, and provides an overview of the limitations of various options available to individuals including their employer-provided group long-term disability. This presentation will present a clear understanding of the risks to your income, as well as what options are available to you.
Principles to Prioritize Before Retirement
Presented by Corebridge
December 5th at 10 a.m.
This workshop is specifically designed for those who are nearing retirement. This age group may be thinking more and more about how prepared they need to be to comfortably retire. They will learn about the five principles that may be important to prioritize as retirement approaches.
Retirement Planning for Women
Presented by Empower (formerly Prudential)
December 6th at 12 p.m.
Join us for a live webinar discussing key factors facing women in preparation for retirement, how longevity and workforce issues uniquely affect women, and valuable insights for a stronger financial future.

We also encourage you to take advantage of our wellness resources, access seminars previously offered through the Rutgers Employees First Initiative, and explore additional employee benefits outlined on the UHR Benefits and Wellness website.


Vivian Fernández
Senior Vice President for Human Resources