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Voluntary Self Identification Request

Dear Colleagues,

President Holloway has called for us to create a beloved community defined by a commitment to work together to embody, reflect, and respect the complexities of all our parts. We recognize that promoting inclusion and equity is critical to advancing inclusive academic excellence.

To further our efforts, we are inviting you to voluntarily self-identify your race/ethnicity demographic information, as well as your veteran and disability status.  You may do this by logging in here.     

Below are FAQs that may answer some of your questions and address your concerns about sharing your demographic information.

  • How is this information used? The University collects this information to comply with government reporting requirements. The University also reviews this information to better understand the overall demographic composition of our community. Your demographic information is never used in any employment decisions!
  • Who can see the information?  First, understand that the information is reviewed in the aggregate and is generally not linked to your name or other identifying characteristics. The identified race, ethnicity, veteran, and disability status data is considered confidential employee information. Only authorized administrators with a need to know this data have access to individual demographic information.
  • Am I required to Self-ID? Absolutely NOT! Submission of the information is voluntary, and declining to provide it will not subject you to any penalties or adverse treatment. Also, you may update your data at any time via the My Rutgers Portal. 

If you have any additional questions, please contact the OneSource Rutgers Faculty and Staff Service Center at (732) 745-7378 or


Vivian Fernández

Senior Vice President of University Human Resources