Updated as of 3/10/21
- Are Fall PTLs part of the hiring freeze?
Job offers extended and accepted in writing, whether accepted by signing an official offer letter or emailing a confirmation of acceptance of an official offer letter, on or before 4/2/20 are not impacted by the freeze and continue to be subject to the terms of any applicable collective negotiations agreement and university policy.
Acceptable forms of written acceptance include a signed offer letter, or acceptance via an email communication in response to a formal offer of employment. Please note that inquiries related to availability or interest do not constitute formal offers of employment.
Any job offers extended after 4/2/20 must follow requirements and procedures for approval as set forth by each dean.
- Are Fall PTLs who have been assigned classes part of the hiring freeze?
Job offers extended and accepted in writing, whether accepted by signing an official offer letter or emailing a confirmation of acceptance of an official offer letter, on or before 4/2/20 are not impacted by the freeze and continue to be subject to the terms of any applicable collective negotiations agreement and university policy.
Acceptable forms of written acceptance include a signed offer letter, or acceptance via an email communication in response to a formal offer of employment. Please note that inquiries related to availability or interest do not constitute formal offers of employment.
- Are PTL Summer and Winter course instructors part of the hiring freeze?
Offers of employment for summer and winter session PTL positions are not subject to the hiring freeze, but such offers must follow requirements and procedures for approval as set forth by each dean.
- Is PTL career advancement part of the freeze?
No, PTL career advancement is not included as part of the freeze.
- Will PTLs who applied for advancement during this term receive the raises they are due upon approval of their advancement portfolio?
Yes, PTLs who applied for advancement during this term receive the raises they are due upon approval of their advancement portfolio.
- What is an acceptable written acceptance for job offers and PTL Fall Appointments?
Job offers extended and accepted in writing, whether accepted by signing an official offer letter or emailing a confirmation of acceptance of an official offer letter, on or before 4/2/20 are not impacted by the freeze and continue to be subject to the terms of any applicable collective negotiations agreement and university policy.
Acceptable forms of written acceptance include a signed offer letter, or acceptance via an email communication in response to a formal offer of employment. Please note that inquiries related to availability or interest do not constitute formal offers of employment.
- Are Class 9 appointments, including graduate fellows, part of the hiring freeze?
Class 9 appointments have guaranteed external funding and are therefore exempt from the hiring freeze, subject to Chancellor approval.
- Are Class 4 appointments part of the hiring freeze?
Yes, Class 4 appointments are covered by the freeze. Job offers Class 4 appointments must be accepted in writing by April 2, 2020. Acceptable written acceptance of a job offer includes an electronically submitted signed offer letter or acceptance via an email communication prior to April 2, 2020.
Any job offers extended after 4/2/20 must follow the Exception Authority Matrix and require the necessary Chancellor/SLT and UHR approvals.
- Are student workers part of the hiring freeze?
No, Student workers are not part of the hiring freeze.
- Are Faculty Salary Equity requests part of the hiring freeze?
Faculty Salary Equity requests are excluded from the hiring freeze and position cost control measures.
- Are Clinical Care position part of the hiring freeze?
Yes, clinical care positions are included in the hiring freeze. Exceptions are subject to approval by Chancellor Strom.
- Are guaranteed external funded positions part of the hiring freeze?
Yes, if a position has guaranteed external funding, it may be filled through the exception process subject to Cabinet Officer or Designee approval.
- Does the hiring freeze apply to positions that support COVID-19 activities?
Yes. Requests to create or fill positions that directly support COVID-19 function require exception approval.
- Are UBHC and RWJ secondary assignments part of the hiring freeze?
Yes, these appointments are subject to the hiring freeze and the approval level for such appointments depends on the type of exception sought.
- Are per diem employees, including RN nurses, part of the hiring freeze?
Yes, per diem employment, including RN nurses, are part of the hiring freeze.
- Should departments take down job postings or will applicants be notified once they submit an application that we currently have a hiring freeze?
University Human Resources is working with the Chancellors and SLT members to determine which job postings will no longer be filled and should be taken down.
- Are Temporary Staffing Firm Hires and Independent Contractors who are currently on assignment affected by the hiring freeze?
No, Temporary Staffing Firm Hires and Independent Contractor who are currently on assignment may continue to complete their assignment although departments may choose to evaluate department costs and needs.
New assignments and extensions of current assignments for Temporary Staffing Firm Hires and Independent Contractors are subject to the hiring freeze.
- What is the Exception Authority Matrix for the position cost controls?
The following will be considered on a very limited basis and requires the written approval as described below:
Position Category | Exception Authority |
Clinical Care | Chancellor Strom |
Positions supported by extramural research funds | Cabinet Officer |
Positions with guaranteed external funding | Cabinet Officer or Designee |
TA/GA and NTT Positions< | Chancellor |
Positions that directly support COVID-19 activities | Cabinet Officer |
Positions that support health and safety | Cabinet Officer< |
Positions that support mission critical activities | Cabinet Officer< |
Temporary Staffing Firm and Independent Contractor | Cabinet Officer |
- What are the Position Cost Controls in place?
Effective 4/2 and until further notice, the following position cost controls will be in place:
Category | Suspended Actions | Exclusions |
Hiring Freeze |
Reappointments for TT and NTT Faculty, Post-Doc, and TA/GA |
Fall PTL Appointments |
Faculty - Out-of-Cycle Increases |
Staff Positions - Classifications, Reclassifications, Promotions |
Staff In-Grade Increase, Acting Pay |
Temporary Staffing Firm Hires |
Independent Contractor |
Class 8 Secondary Assignments |
UBHS Secondary Assignments |
RWJ Secondary Assignments |