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Sample Performance Standards for Client Service Positions

The following represent some suggested performance standards related to the delivery of
excellent service in the university. These are broad suggestions and it is encouraged that you clarify these as they relate to an employee’s specific position. Some standards are indicated as being appropriate for employees in supervisory or managerial positions.

There may be additional performance standards appropriate to your work unit and
department. The following are suggestions for expectations for staff whose job duties
have a strong client service component:

Maintaining Relationships

  • The employee will be able to identify the department’s external and internal clients.
  • The employee will maintain a high level of respect for the diversity of each client, and
    treat each client as an individual.
  • The employee will understand the power of teamwork and demonstrate strong
    interpersonal skills in collaborating with coworkers to provide service.
  • The employee will work as a team member to resolve issues without blame when service problems arise or concerns develop that involve their units/departments.


  • The employee will demonstrate good time management skills and provide timely
    service to clients.
  • The employee will admit when mistakes have been made and seek to remedy the
  • The employee will return phone calls and voice mails within 48 hours of receipt.
  • The employee will make every effort to respond completely to a client, and when unable to, make every effort to provide the client with a realistic date of when service will be provided/completed. In prolonged situations, the employee will provide periodic updates on the status of the request to the client.
  • The employee will make sure his/her pager is always turned on during work hours and respond to pages within 15 minutes. (for employees required to carry pagers)
  • The employee will provide a voice mail greeting and /or email greeting informing callers that they are out of the office when out of the office for personal time. The message will provide the name and/or contact number for another employee/unit who could immediately assist the client.
  • The employee will identify the views and needs of clients and act upon them if
    appropriate and/or feasible.
  • The employee will acknowledges receipt of a service request within 24 hours via fax,
    phone, or email.
  • The employee will deliver the material/product within 24 hours of request from the client.

Problem Solving/Follow Up

  • The employee will be willing to take personal responsibility for resolving client complaints.
  • The employee will be able to anticipate problems and be proactive in addressing them.
  • The employee will inform his/her supervisor and/or co-workers of unresolved or
    complicated service issues in case the client returns for follow-up or additional help.
  • The employee is available to his/her employees to assist in problem resolution.
  • The employee monitors work in areas to determine that staff have sufficient equipment, resources, and tools to meet client needs. (Supervisor)
  • The employee will promote the importance of excellent service in position descriptions, P4P forms, and throughout the appraisal and feedback process. (Supervisor)
  • The employee will promote accountability for decisions made by his/her employees
    without being accusatory or disrespectful. (Supervisor)
  • The employee will encourage his/her employees to develop problem-solving abilities and to take appropriate risks to resolve issues. (Supervisor)
  • The employee will initiate appropriate corrective actions for unacceptable service
    behaviors. (Supervisor)

Effective Communication

  • The employee will be able to empathize with a client’s feelings and show interest in what interests the client.
  • The employee will speak with courtesy and respect to all clients and co-workers.
  • The employee will utilize active listening skills. He or she will ask appropriate questions to determine the “real need” of the client.
  • The employee will use basic phone etiquette by identifying his/her department and self, responding to questions, transferring the client to the appropriate unit/department, and inform the client of transfers and provides them with extension information.
  • The employee will smile and make eye contact with clients when appropriate.
  • The employee will demonstrate clear and concise verbal and written communication


  • The employee will understand how to provide the components of high-quality client
    service: courtesy, caring, flexibility, problem resolution, and recovery.
  • The employee will greet clients with warmth and enthusiasm.
  • The employee will serve as a positive representative of Rutgers University and the
    department to all clients and co-workers.
  • The employee will make the initial approach to a client to determine if assistance is
    needed and will promptly give full attention to the client.
  • The employee will acknowledge co-workers promptly.
  • The employee will keep all service areas, clean, neat and well organized.
  • The employee will be able to manage personal emotions and positively resolve difficult situations.
  • The employee will be willing to attend skills training and take personal responsibility for applying new skills and abilities in the work environment.
  • The employee will recognize and acknowledge his or her employees for excellent service behaviors. (Supervisor)
  • The employee will use interviewing techniques that focus on identifying desirable client service behaviors in the selection of staff. (Supervisor)

Serving as a Resource

  • The employee will be dependable and provide alternate contact information to a client
    when not available. The employee will advise other units/departments when referrals are made.
  • The employee will maintain effective knowledge of all relevant resources and services
    available within the employee’s department and other like departments on campus.
  • The employee will recognize when to refer a client to a more appropriate staff member or unit/department for assistance.
  • The employee will ask the client if additional information is needed and encourage the
    client to return (or call/email) if additional information is needed.
  • The employee will stay familiar and up-to-date with services, programs and resources
    offered by other departments that which his/her department interacts.
  • The employee will orient his/her employees to the department’s programs, services, and resources. (Supervisor)