If an AFT employee is on a leave of absence from the university when the Staff Compensation Program review process is underway, appraisals are still to be conducted in accordance with Article 41, Section B.1.a – Staff Compensation Program (SCP) Procedure, of the URA-AFT Agreement which requires that performance evaluations be completed for eligible employees by April 30 every year. Supervisors must notify employees of the performance appraisal ratings by the annual April 30 deadline.
All eligible employees are expected to be appraised in accordance with the contract. In situations where an appraised employee is out on leave of absence at the time the employee is expected to be informed of the appraisal results, University Human Resources is asking departments to notify the employee by certified letter. This communication must state that their SCP performance evaluation was completed and it will be given to the employee upon their return from leave. Supervisors are to provide a copy of the performance evaluation if requested by the employee.
A link to the sample letter is provided below for your use. The letter must be sent to the employee by April 30 each year at the latest, with copies forwarded to Christine O'Connell, President URA-AFT and to Harry Agnostak, Associate Vice President for Labor Relations.
Please contact your assigned HR Consultant at 848-932-3020 should you have any questions.
Program Documents: