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FAQ - Long Term Disability Insurance (UNUM)

Are Long Term Disability (LTD) benefits reduced by other forms of income?

Yes. The monthly benefit is reduced by other forms of income such as  temporary disability insurance, workers’ compensation, retirement benefits (regardless of the type of retirement income), and Social Security benefits. The minimum amount you will receive from the LTD plan is 10% of your gross monthly benefit (66 2/3% of salary) or $100 per month.

Are LTD benefits taxable?

No. Since you pay 100% of the premiums for LTD, the benefits are not taxable.

How can I tell if I am already enrolled in the LTD plan?

Look on your pay check stub under the “deductions” column. If you see an entry called “DISBLTY INS” you are enrolled.

How is the monthly benefit calculated?

The monthly benefit is 66 2/3 % of your monthly gross salary reduced by other forms of income, up to a maximum of $5,000 per month.


Monthly Salary $6,000
66 2/3% $4,000/month
Social Security -$1,800/month
LTD Benefits $2,200/month

How long are benefits paid for mental/nervous conditions?

Up to a maximum of 24 months.

How long can I collect LTD benefits?

For disabilities occurring prior to age 60, benefits will be paid to age 65; if 60 or older, benefits will be payable for 12 to 60 months depending on age when disability occurs.

If I become disabled, how soon am I eligible to receive LTD benefits?

LTD benefits are payable after you have been disabled for 90 days.

If I terminate my employment at Rutgers, can I convert the group LTD plan to an individual plan?

Yes, as long as you were covered for at least 12 consecutive months. Please note that if you leave the University due to retirement, conversion is not allowed.

Must I use all of my sick days before becoming eligible to collect LTD benefits?

No. This is a unique feature of the plan. You may continue to be paid sick days while collecting LTD benefits.