Can I change or cancel my election?
Yes, you may change or cancel your election by calling the OneSource Rutgers Faculty and Staff Service Center at 732-745-SERV (7378).
How can I receive additional information about the program?
Additional information about the Commuter Tax$ave Program is available online on the Edenred website. Should you elect to enroll, please call OneSource at 732-745-SERV (7378).
How do I enroll in the Commuter Tax$ave Program?
An eligible employee may call OneSource at 732-745-SERV (7378).
How does the program work if the account is voluntarily cancelled or upon termination of employment?
Employee elections in the Commuter Tax$ave Program are irrevocable. All benefits under this program must be claimed while you are actively participating. Any funds in the account at time of cancellation or termination are forfeited.
How is the Commuter Tax$ave program different from the Rutgers Mass Transit Commutation Reimbursement Program?
The Commuter Tax$ave program is administered by Edenred Commuter Benefits Solutions (ECBS), which delivers the benefits in the form of tickets, payments cards, or vouchers for mass transit. Under the Rutgers plan, an employee submits documentation for reimbursement. The Commuter Tax$ave program does not require an employee to submit claims for reimbursement; you prepay for mass transit tickets that are mailed to your home.
How much can I contribute to the Commuter Tax$ave Program?
The Commuter Tax$ave program consists of two separate components. For 2020, the program allows participants to elect up to $265 per month for mass transit expenses and/or up to $265 per month for commuter parking expenses. The minimum deduction amount is $15 for each plan.
What are eligible expenses?
Mass transit expenses incurred to and from work for:
- Mass transit including train, bus, ferry and vanpool
- Park and Ride sites and commuter parking expenses
What expenses are not eligible?
Expenses incurred by taxi, car pool, private car, tolls (including EZ Pass) and commuting cost of dependents.
What is the maximum dollar amount that I can have on my Commuter Tax$ave debit card?
The Edenred Commuter Benefits Solutions (ECBS) has established a maximum account balance of $1,500 for the QuickPay card in an effort to reduce the risk of employees forfeiting unused pretax dollars.
Edenred Commuter Benefits Solutions (ECBS) will notify employees if their account balance reaches $1,000 by sending a letter recommending that the employee evaluate his or her current levels of deductions and expenses. If the employee's account balance reaches $1,200, Edenred Commuter Benefits Solutions (ECBS) will automatically track the account and send the employee a second letter. If the employee's account balance reaches $1,500, ECBS will not place additional funds on the employee's debit card until the balance is spent down comparable with ongoing deductions.
What is the State of New Jersey Commuter Tax Savings Program?
The State of New Jersey Commuter Tax$ave Program is a program available under code 132(f) of the Federal Internal Revenue Code. The plan allows employees to set aside pretax dollars for eligible mass transit and commuter parking expenses. The pretax dollars are not subject to Federal Income, Social Security and Medicare taxes, thereby saving you money.
When can I enroll in the Commuter Tax$ave Program?
The ordering deadline is the 25th of the month. For example, to receive a pass for your commute in September, you will need to have placed your order by 7/25.
Who is eligible to participate in this program?
Regularly appointed full-time employees who are eligible to participate in the State Health Benefits Program (SHBP) are eligible to enroll in the program. Part-time employees are not eligible to participate in the program.
Will I need an identification number to register?
Yes. Registration will require you to enter the Company Code and your employee identification number. The Company Code is SNJ10. Your employee identification number can be located on the top portion of your pay stub.