Survey Purpose
- The future of work survey for faculty and staff was designed to determine the interest of Rutgers employees in flexible work arrangements, and in some cases, assess their experiences with telecommuting during the pandemic.
- The survey contained questions to measure professional fulfillment and understand employee needs in terms of well-being, job satisfaction and engagement.
- The survey data provided insight related to employee preferences, concerns, and perceptions and was utilized to inform the development of short- and long-term recommendations.
Results Snapshot
Response Rate

The Future of Work survey was distributed to a total of 28,917 faculty and staff. 8,239 responses were submitted.
Response Breakdown
Respondents by Location
Respondents by Role
Respondents by Affiliation
Other includes Part-time Lecturers, TA/GA, Clinician, and Postdoc.
Satisfaction Overall Insights – Staff
- Staff are highly likely to recommend Rutgers University as a great place to work to a friend or family member seeking employment (75% Extremely Likely/Somewhat Likely)
80% of Staff respondents indicated they "Strongly Agree" or "Somewhat Agree" to being "Satisfied with Working at Rutgers University".
92% of Staff respondents indicated they "Strongly Agree" or "Somewhat Agree" that they "Understand How Their Job Fits Into the Overall Mission of the University".
Satisfaction Overall Insights – Faculty
- Faculty are highly likely to recommend Rutgers University as a great place to work to a friend or family member seeking employment (69% Extremely Likely/Somewhat Likely)
76% of Faculty respondents indicated they "Strongly Agree" or "Somewhat Agree" to being "Satisfied with Working at Rutgers University".
80% of Faculty respondents indicated they "Strongly Agree" or "Somewhat Agree" that they "Understand How Their Job Fits Into the Overall Mission of the University".
Feelings Towards Telecommuting

Assessing the Effectiveness of Telecommuting (Supervisors)
- Overall, most supervisors agreed that telecommuting helped their departments

Concerns Regarding Telecommuting by Role
Type of Flexible Work Preferred

Concerns Regarding Flexible Work Arrangements

Frontline (Essential) Employee Insights

Issues Related to Research Disruption and the Pandemic
Research Largely Happens at Home/Off Campus
Research Depends on Campus Facilities
Research was Inhibited by Work From Home
Research was Enabled by Work From Home
Biggest Concerns for Faculty and Staff Regarding the Future of Work