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Job Posting Resources

Advertising A Position

All open positions must posted through the Recruitment, Onboarding and Classification System (ROCS) site. Jobs posted through ROCS are automatically posted to Higher Education Recruitment Consortium (HERC), and at no cost to your department/unit.

Any advertisement, in print or on the web, must include the statement, “Rutgers is an Affirmative Action/Equal Opportunity Employer. ” Your recruitment advertising is more than posting a vacancy, it is marketing for your department and the University. Just like a resume or curriculum vitae (CV) is a marketing tool for a candidate, a recruitment ad is a marketing tool for the employer.

Before you begin writing an advertisement, consider a variety of factors:

  • What is the job? Think about the responsibilities and the role the position plays in the department.
  • Who is the ideal candidate? Think about the qualities, experience, and attributes you desire in the individual.
  • What competencies are needed? Think about the knowledge, skills, and abilities desired for the position. It’s easy to just focus on the number of years of experience or degree requirements but think more broadly.
  • What experience is required? Focus not only on the quantity of experience (e.g., five years’ experience) but rather the quality and context of the experience (breadth of responsibilities, working in a similar environment). This will help you in attracting a diverse pool of candidates.
  • What other information is required? If the position requires special certifications, unusual work hours, travel, or use of a personal vehicle, these items should be included.
  • How can I make my position stand out? Use language that will catch a candidate’s attention. Is your department nationally recognized? Do you have award-winning researchers on staff? Use a headline or lead-in statement that will be enticing.
  • How can I make the job look attractive? This is where you can sell the department and the university. Mention competitive benefit packages and highlight the benefits of living in New Jersey. Ask current employees what drew them to your department and Rutgers University and use those comments in your ad copy.

Please Note - There should be enough information for the candidate to determine their interest in the position and Rutgers, and information on how to receive additional details and/or apply on our job site.

Encouraging Diversity & Inclusion

If traditional posting sources have not yielded a diverse applicant pool, consider the use of print and electronic media and recruitment sources that are targeted towards specific populations. You may also want to target professional organizations that attract a diverse audience such as the National Society of Hispanic Professionals, CIC-Directory of Minority Ph.D. Candidates and Recipients, or the Society of Women Engineers, among others.

The position description and recruitment posting should be written in a way that attracts a wider audience of candidates:

  • Use inclusive language in your advertisement.
  • List qualifications broadly where appropriate. If qualifications are too rigid, it may eliminate members of underrepresented groups and potentially successful candidates. For example, “Candidates should possess a doctoral degree” rather than “doctoral degree required.” Or “Candidates should have a master’s degree in counseling or related field” rather than “degree in counseling required.”

Internal Job Postings

Pursuant to the Article 17 of the negotiating agreement between Rutgers University and the Union of Rutgers Administrators, American Federation of Teachers (URA-AFT) that went into effect on July 1, 2011, “For the first five (5) business days from the date of posting, hiring departments will only be able to review URA-AFT internal candidates for vacant and newly created positions which are included in this collective negotiations unit.”

In order to accommodate this clause of the URA-AFT negotiations agreement, University Human Resources has established the following processes for URA-AFT applicants to submit online applications for URA-AFT internal staff postings:


To apply to URA-AFT internal staff postings within the first five business days:

  1. Visit the URA-AFT internal staff posting job board at You will be prompted to login using your NetID and password. Only eligible URA-AFT applicants are permitted to enter this system; all others will receive an error message noting that they are not authorized to log in;
  2. Review the list of Job Titles, and click on the position number in order to review the full job posting;
  3. In order to submit an application, you must have an account with the ROCS system. If you do not have an account, you will have the opportunity to create a login and profile which will be used to apply to all future positions within ROCS.

NOTE ON JOB POSTING EXCLUSIVITY – Jobs posted through the ROCS URA-AFT staff posting job board will remain within this system for five business days from the moment of posting. Once the five business days have expired, the posting will be automatically removed from the URA-AFT internal job board and will instead be available to all candidates on the ROCS applicant portal,

NOTE ON NETWORK SECURITY – In order to preserve the network security of Rutgers University’s HR-IT infrastructure, URA-AFT applicants must use the ROCS URA-AFT staff posting job board from a computer connected to the Rutgers University network.

If you would like to use this application from a computer that is not located on a Rutgers campus, you will need to first connect to a virtual private network (VPN) service. You can do so by visiting the Office of Information Technology (OIT)’s VPN tool at Contact the OIT helpdesk if you require assistance in setting up a secure VPN into the Rutgers network.

Contact Information:

Office of Information Technology (OIT) Helpdesk
Tel: 732-445-HELP (4357)

Job Posting Process

Staff & Temporary Posting Process

  • A member of UHR will act as your partner throughout the recruitment process they will create a posting draft that will be sent to the Hiring Department/Unit for review/approval along with a series intake questions.
  • The Hiring Department/Unit reviews the posting draft for approval and provides a response to the intake questions.
  • Your UHR Partner will post the position using the information provided and communicate the posting number, online link, and additional resources.
    • Typically job postings are live for a minimum 5 business days and a maximum of 30 days.
    • If you would like to close your posting early or extend the posting time please reach out to your UHR Partner.
  • The Hiring Department/Unit is responsible for reviewing applicants and those they are interested in extending an interview invitation should be approved first through UHR Qualification Review and EEO Review* before the interviews can commence.

Faculty Posting Process

  • The Hiring Department/Unit creates the posting draft and submits through your campus, school, or units standard posting workflow.
  • Your Campus, School, or Unit's final approver will post the position using the information provided.
    • Typically job postings are live for a minimum 5 business days and a maximum of 30 days.
    • If you would like to close your posting early or extend the posting time please reach out to your respective approver.
  • The Hiring Department/Unit is responsible for reviewing applicants and those they are interested in extending an interview invitation should be approved first through UHR Qualification Review and EEO Review* before the interviews can commence.

Additional Faculty Posting Resources

Please note the above process may vary based on your Campus, School, or Departments processes. Always consult with the appropriate HR contacts for assistance with the posting process.