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Educational Assistance Programs

At Rutgers, we are dedicated to fostering professional growth and investing in your educational journey. We proudly provide comprehensive support for our employees' educational pursuits, tailored to different positions within the university.

For non-RBHS positions, we offer a valuable tuition remission benefit, extending not only to our employees but also to eligible dependents for undergraduate and graduate programs at Rutgers University. Meanwhile, for employees in RBHS positions, we offer a tuition reimbursement program for programs at Rutgers or other course offerings outlined in further detail below. Eligibility for these programs may vary depending on your specific role within the organization.

Tuition Remission (Rutgers Non-RBHS Positions)

In accordance with University Policy - 60.2.1 Educational Benefits, a regularly appointed full-time faculty or staff member may qualify for tuition remission for themselves and their dependent children under certain conditions as referenced below.

Eligibility Requirements for Employees
  • You must be regularly appointed on a full-time basis in a Rutgers Non-RBHS as of the first day of classes to be eligible and comply with all administrative and academic requirements
  • You must be admitted to the course offered by one of the undergraduate, graduate, or professional divisions of the university (matriculated or non matriculated)
  • Staff members receiving a salary at or below $106,586 are entitled to full tuition remission
  • Staff members receiving a salary above $106,586 are entitled to 50% tuition remission
  • Faculty members below the rank of Associate Professor are entitled to full tuition remission
  • Faculty members who are in the rank of Associate Professor or above are entitled to 50% tuition remission
  • Full value of staff/faculty graduate tuition remission is subject to New Jersey state tax withholding. In addition, under federal regulations, any graduate tuition remission benefit over $5,250 per calendar year is also considered taxable.
Eligibility Requirements for Dependent Children
  • The dependent children of a regularly appointed employee who is working on a full-time basis in either a legacy Rutgers position or a legacy RBHS position as of the first day of class for the course may be eligible for tuition remission pursuant to negotiated agreements and university policy
  • Your child must be your biological child, adopted child, stepchild, or ward and must be your dependent child - documentation is required
  • Your child must meet all administrative and academic requirements and be admitted to and enrolled in one of the undergraduate divisions of the university as a full-time or part-time student, studying for his or her first baccalaureate degree
  • Remission cannot exceed 10 terms for a 4-year undergraduate degree or 12 terms for a 5-year undergraduate degree
  • Your child is eligible for tuition remission during one summer session. A summer session counts towards one full term of eligible tuition
  • If eligible parent dies after the child is admitted or enrolled, the child will be eligible until completion of the degree
  • If an employee with at least 10 years of full-time service passes away, children aged 25 or younger are eligible for tuition remission
Retired Employees and Their Dependent Children

Retired employees may qualify for tuition remission for themselves under the following conditions:

  • Must be retired from a full-time regularly appointed position under the terms of a university retirement program after 25 years of Rutgers employment or after attaining age 60 with 10 or more years of Rutgers employment
  • Dependent children of employees retired under the PERS or PFRS disability retirement plans are considered qualified
  • Must comply with all administrative and academic requirements
  • Must be admitted to a course offered by one of the undergraduate, graduate, or professional divisions of the university

Retired employees may qualify for tuition remission for their dependent children under the following conditions:

  • Children of retired employees must establish their eligibility each academic term
  • Child must be the biological, adopted, or stepchild of the retired employee
  • Child must be a retired employee's dependent
  • Child must have been the retired employee's dependent prior to the effective date of retirement
  • Must comply with all administrative and academic requirements
  • Must be admitted to and enrolled in one of the divisions of the university as a full-time or part-time student studying for his or her first baccalaureate degree
  • The parent of the child must have retired from a full-time regularly appointed position under the terms of a university retirement program after 25 years of Rutgers employment or after attaining age 60 with 10 or more years of Rutgers employment.
Applying for Tuition Remission

You must first be admitted to the course offered by one of the undergraduate, graduate, or professional divisions of the university (matriculated or non matriculated).

For Employee
  • Complete the Tuition Remission enrollment online by visiting the “Employee Self Service” tab in the my Rutgers Portal
  • Tuition for yourself is either paid in full or at 50%, depending on your salary if staff or rank if faculty member
For Dependent Children:
  • The application for dependent remission must be completed.
  • Tuition Remission Dependent Enrollment is to be completed online, in the "Personal Information" section under the "Employee Self Service" tab at my Rutgers Portal.
  • Dependent Tuition Remission does not apply to graduate programs
  • Tuition for your dependent child is paid in full
Tuition Remission Tax Implications
How do I, as an employee, calculate in advance the approximate tax impact of my employee graduate tuition remission?
  • Full value of staff/faculty graduate tuition remission is subject to New Jersey state tax withholding (unless student is in a TA or GA position)
  • Under federal regulations, any graduate tuition remission benefit over $5,250 per calendar year is also considered taxable (unless student is in a TA or GA position)
  • Federal withholding will begin in the first semester in which remission benefit exceeds $5,250 and every subsequent semester during the calendar year when remission is used.

State taxes will be withheld according to the tax withholding schedule for each semester that remission is used. For the current year tax withholding schedule visit the Staff/Faculty Tuition Remission page (under the ‘Does Tuition Remission Affect My Taxes' dropdown).

Tax Impact to Paycheck:

Add your full employee tuition remission amount to your estimated biweekly salary. This equals your total estimated taxable compensation. This figure will be used when calculating your Federal and State withholding. Although the amount of your taxable employee tuition remission is not included in your pay as wages you are responsible for paying State and Federal tax on the amount.

Although the amount of your tuition remission is applied equally across four pay periods, the tax impact could be less in the first 1-2 pay periods due to the exclusion of federal tax on the first $5,250 of tuition remission.

An Example: If the taxable employee tuition remission is $8000 it will be divided into $2000 per pay and the first $5,250 will be subject to state tax only.
  • Paycheck 1 $2000 is subject to State Tax only
  • Paycheck 2 $2000 is subject to State Tax only
  • Paycheck 3 $1250 is subject to State Tax only and $750 is subject to both State and Federal Tax
  • Paycheck 4 $2000 is subject to both State and Federal Tax
    Tuition Assistance Program (RBHS Positions)

    Per University Policy, 60.9.46 - Tuition Assistance Program, provides tuition reimbursement for eligible Rutgers employees in Rutgers Health (RBHS/legacy UMDNJ) positions.

    The program is designed to equip eligible employees with the knowledge, skills, and abilities needed to meet and exceed job expectations while supporting their personal and career development goals.

    Eligibility Requirements

    Rutgers Health (RBHS) employees must meet the criteria shown below to receive benefits as described in this policy (prior to the submission of the application for tuition reimbursement):

    • The employee must have completed at least one year of continuous regularly scheduled employment
    • Employees should work a minimum of twenty (20) or more hours a week and are in an active pay status (e.g., eligible to receive a paycheck).
    • Temporary, Per Diem and employees with the following titles are not eligible:
      • Student
      • PGY
      • Post-doctoral fellow
      • Fellow
      • Faculty
    • Current performance evaluation must be satisfactory or better.
    Course Work Eligible for Reimbursement

    The course of study must meet one of the criteria set forth below:

    • Relates to a persons current position, i.e., improves performance of current job;
    • Prepares a staff member or registered nurse for realistic career advancement within the University.

    In addition, the course of study must meet one of these additional criteria set forth below:

    • Is a core or elective requirement toward a degree;
    • Is a continuing education unit;
    • Is a special non-college course, distant learning, seminar, conference or program sponsored by an accredited college, university or professional organization.
    Applying for Tuition Reimbursement
    • Complete the Educational Assistance Program Application and submit after the course is completed, to University Human Resources via the HR and Payroll Support Portal.
    • Application and specified documents for reimbursement for college courses, non-college courses and seminars must be received within 90 business days after the completion of the course(s), seminar(s) or conference(s)

    Undergraduate and graduate tuition benefits are not taxed up to the prevailing statutory limits. Contact your campus Human Resources Representative for current limits.